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Women’s day march Quito - 2019

On March 8th, date on which women’s day is commemorated worldwide, hundreds of Ecuadorian women, from different communities and social groups, marched in Quito to ask for equal opportunities, freedom of decision, and to remember the struggle of gender-based violence.

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#Vivas nos queremos - 2018

In a protest organized by the Ecuadorian feminist organization #Vivas nos queremos (We Want Ourselves Alive) on November 24th 2018, hundreds of men and women marched in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, to demand an end of the violence against women.

Other Latin American feminist organizations, such as La Marea Verde (The Green Tide), which seeks to place abortion as a priority in public policy agendas, also joined the march that took place a day before the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.


Nos Faltan 3 - 2018

In 2018, three men from El Comercio, who were reporting on the socioeconomic situation of the inhabitants of the northern border of Ecuador, were held hostages by a dissident group of the Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Civil society and the families of the kidnapped demanded the Ecuadorian government to intervene for their rescue, but the death of the journalistic team was announced earlier than expected. After an operation led by the armed forces of Ecuador and Colombia, the bodies of Paúl, Javier and Efraín were repatriated to Ecuador and handed over to their families. To this day, however, the Ecuadorian government has not clarified the facts of this kidnapping.


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